"Moin Moin" and welcome!

Moin Moin und herzlich Willkommen! (Deutsche Version)

If you are new here, we are sure you have a lot of questions. We will try to answer most of them on the following pages. Below, you will find portraits of the four federal states in Northern Germany, as well as contact information for important facilities and other helpful links - such as locating language classes or finding a place to live. Last but not least, you will find the latest news as well as children's programmes from Germany translated into several languages.


Ein "I" Informationsschild vor der Landesflagge von Niedersachsen © fotolia.com Foto: Thaut Images

Niedersachsen-Guide for Refugees

Contacts and adresses for refugees in Niedersachsen in a nutshell: Where do I apply for asylum? Where can I take German classes? Where do I get clothes? mehr

Ein "I" Informationsschild vor der Landesflagge von Schleswig Holstein © fotolia.com Foto: Thaut Images

Schleswig-Holstein-Guide for Refugees

How do I apply for asylum? Where can I take German classes? Where do I get clothes? Here is an overview of helpful links and frequently asked questions for Schleswig-Holstein. mehr

Ein "I" Informationsschild vor der Landesflagge von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern © fotolia.com Foto: Thaut Images

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern-Guide for Refugees

Who are the most important contacts for refugees in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? NDR.de gathered all information for refugees in the eastern federal state at the Baltic Sea. mehr

Ein "I" Informationsschild vor der Flagge von Hamburg © fotolia.com Foto: Thaut Images

Hamburg-Guide for Refugees

What does Hamburg offer for refugees? NDR.de collected all important information for the first steps in the hanseatic city. Where to go when you are sick? Where to find an apartment? mehr

QR-Code für das Service-Angebot des NDR für Flüchtlinge

Guide to print and publish in refugee camps

News, information and assistance for the first steps in Germany in German, English and Arabic. The poster with a QR code can be published in refugee camps in Northern Germany. Download (636 KB)


Auf einem Schild in Herzform steht "Refugees are welcome here". © imago/Florian Schuh Foto: Florian Schuh

Guide for Refugees

News, information and assistance for the first steps in Germany in English and Arabic, compiled by ARD.de. extern

Deutschunterricht für Erwachsene. © picture alliance / ZB Foto: Waltraud Grubitzsch

Free German language courses

Germany’s international broadcasting service Deutsche Welle (DW) offers free German language courses online. Learn German online with audios, videos and podcasts as well as worksheets to print out. extern

Zu sehen sind Hani Daud und Ahmad Mahmood, die aus Somalia über das Mittelmeer nach Europa geflüchtet sind. © dpa Foto: Uli Deck

"Open your Heart": Germany for beginners

If you are a refugee, you probably have a lot of questions. "Open Your Heart" by Deutsche Welle is a format that will help you to manage your first steps in Germany more easily. extern

WDR for you Startseite

Service for refugees by WDR

WDR offers elaborate current information for refugees in multiple languages. On their facebook page, experts give answers in a livestream on a regular basis. extern

Zwei sich küssende Paare auf einer Veranstaltung © dpa - Bildfunk

Zanzu, my body in words and images

The German Federal Centre for Health Education informs about love and sexuality. The information is availabale in 13 languages, e.g. Arabic, Farsi and Turkish. extern

Eine Frau steht am Fenster © dpa/picture-alliance Foto: Monika Skolimowska

Information for Women: Go your own way!

In Germany men and women shall have equal rights. This leaflet describes the basic rights that every woman in Germany enjoys - regardless of her nationality, cultural background, heritage, or religion. extern

Menschen sonnen sich auf einer Plattform in einem Badesee. © NDR Foto: Andreas Barnickel

Rules for Bathing

The German Lifeguard Association has published rules for bathing in different languages, for example in Arabic, French and Tigrinya. extern

For Children

The Mouse © WDR

Videos for Children: The Mouse

How does an astronaut prepare for his first flight into outer space? How does a rooster crow in Chinese? What is the sea without fish? The Mouse answers questions like these in different languages. Plus: Clips to laugh about. extern

Das Logo von #NDRfragt auf blauem Hintergrund. © NDR

Umfrage zu den Neuwahlen: Welche Themen muss die Politik anpacken?